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《g 小调第一叙事曲》是肖邦四部叙事钢琴曲中的代表作,也是肖邦的钢琴创作走向成熟的重要表现。在《g 小调第一叙事曲》的创作过程中,肖邦并没有沿用传统奏鸣曲式的创作方式,而是将变奏与奏鸣、回旋进行了高度融合,在曲式结构上创造了自由性特征,对后人研究叙事钢琴曲产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
Ankeny and Leonelli (2016) propose “repertoires” as a new way to understand the stability of certain research programs as well as scientific change in general. By bringing a more complete range of social, material, and epistemic elements into one framework, they position their work as a correction to the Kuhnian impulse in philosophy of science and other areas of science studies. I argue that this “post-Kuhnian” move is not complete, and that repertoires maintain an internalist perspective. Comparison with an alternative framework, the “sociotechnical imaginaries” of Jasanoff and Kim (2015), illustrates precisely which elements of practice are externalized by Ankeny and Leonelli. Specifically, repertoires discount the role of audience, without whom the repertoires of science are unintelligible, and lack an explicit place for ethical and political imagination, which provide meaning for otherwise mechanical promotion of particular research programs. This comparison reveals, I suggest, two distinct modes of scholarship, one internalist and the other critical. While repertoires can be modified to meet the needs of critical STS scholars and to completely reject Kuhn's internalism, whether or not we do so depends on what we want our scholarship to achieve.  相似文献   
平步青《国朝文棷题辞》以千余卷规模的清文总集《国朝文棷》为基础,对清代散文作了集成式叙录。此书从地域文学视角出发,挖掘出清初江西散文与清代浙东散文发展的内在细节与地域集群性特征,揭橥出桐城文派之外丰富的散文创作事实,对于还原文学史真实面目、梳理文派流衍、重写清代散文史,均有比较重要的价值与意义。  相似文献   
为了掌握义马煤田水害规律以正确指导煤矿的防治水工作,分析研究了历次突水资料、地质构造、小煤矿分布、河流流经区域、主要含水层和隔水层、采煤厚度及采后导水裂隙发育情况等,指出:随着小煤矿的关闭、河道疏浚、浅部地裂缝充填和大矿采掘活动向深部转移,矿井主要水害由大气降水、地表河水和小窑水转化为顶板水;顶板水威胁主要在义马向斜的核部、采深大于700 m的区域,断层尖灭端和断层带富水性较强,顶板突水及其强度与采厚、周期来压关系密切。针对顶板水害,提出了采用"三图—双预测法"对顶板突水的水源、通道和强度做出预测和评价;采用井上下物探方法,圈出顶板疑似富水区,并进行采前预疏放;完善工作面排水系统,提高抗水灾能力等防治水技术。  相似文献   
光滑型算法已经成功地用来求解各种优化问题. 基于一类新的光滑函数族, 提出了一个带有混合线搜 索的光滑型算法求解非线性互补问题. 在适当的条件下, 证明了算法是适定的, 且保持全局 收敛性和局部超线性收敛性. 最后对提出的算法进行了数值计算. 数值结果显示出该算法的有效性.  相似文献   
针对核加权方差比率统计量不是监测从非平稳向平稳变化持久性变点一致方法的问题,通过引进一个窗宽参数,提出了一种滑动核加权方差比率统计量来监测含趋势项时间序列从非平稳向平稳变化的持久性.在非平稳原假设下给出了监测统计量的极限分布和经验临界值表,在备择假设下证明了新方法的一致性.模拟结果表明新方法具有比原方法更高的势和更短的平均运行长度,最后通过分析人民币与美元汇率数据进一步说明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   
西魏建立后,宇文泰辅政,面对内忧外患,锐意改革六官制度,建立中央六官系统。通过对六官人员的调配,关陇集团与魏宗室的权力得以平衡,形成中央集权的雏形;经过对关陇集团内部六官人员的再调整,宇文护铲除异己,强化了宇文氏在北周政权中的主导性;关陇集团的汉族地主依附于宇文氏政权,进入中央六官系统,宇文氏家族内部开始了新一轮的权力争夺;武帝宇文邕铲除宇文护,集中央军政大权于一身,北周的中央集权最终形成。  相似文献   
研究了基于逆时针有向三角形(conterclockwisely directed triangle,CDT)的时空区域拓扑关系的确定方法,尤其对静态时空数据库中基于逆时针有向多边形的时空区域表示方法、简单多边形形状时空区域的三角化方法及静态时空联系下两个简单多边形形状时空区域间拓扑关系的确定方法进行了研究.结果表明:时空区域间的相等、包含、部分覆盖、相离、相接5种基本拓扑关系均可通过基于逆时针有向三角形的方法确定.该方法不仅有效地实现了各种时空数据的表示和操作,而且避免了直接基于边界坐标计算时空数据时对效率的影响.  相似文献   
以国内某热轧带钢厂的新建项目为背景,分析了影响热轧中宽带钢凸度的主要因素,介绍了凸度预设定模型、工作辊热凸度和磨损计算模型及凸度和平直度反馈控制模型的主要功能及架构;针对典型产品的轧制过程设计了精轧机组工作辊的正弦辊形曲线.根据某产品轧制过程的工程记录数据,绘制了精轧机组的比例凸度分配曲线,结合多功能仪实测数据分析了模型的控制效果,带钢出口凸度保持在(40±20)μm的比例占带钢全长的100%,平直度为(0±10)I的比例占带钢全长的98%以上.  相似文献   
《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1289-1302
Most soil fauna in tropical rainforests require a pre-existing shelter for at least part of their life cycles. Among termites and ants, the most frequently encountered taxa, the availability of appropriate nesting sites is a major factor controlling the multiplication of colonies. Work carried out in five forests in southern Cameroon indicates that termitaries of Cubitermes subarquatus, whether active or abandoned, provide shelter for large numbers of invasive invertebrates, particularly ants and other termite species, and may be a determining factor in the patchy distribution of many taxa. Dissections of 90 termitaries (65 active, 25 abandoned) produced a great diversity of invasive fauna, including 354 ant colonies representing 75 species in 31 genera. Ants occurred in all abandoned termitaries but 6·1% of active termitaries had no ants present. Nevertheless, in total active termitaries sheltered more ant colonies (273) than did abandoned ones (81). Every termitary examined also sheltered founding pairs or incipient colonies of alien termites, but active C. subarquatus termitaries yielded fewer mature colonies of alien termites (56·9%) than did abandoned ones (84%).  相似文献   
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